I'll Have What She's Having!

 I was watching The  Dr. Oz. Show yesterday afternoon on ABC when a striking African American woman’s face popped up on my television screen.  She had dark brown skin and a headful of gorgeous locs. Dr. Oz prompted the audience to guess the woman’s age, because, this segment of the show was all about age-defying beauty regimens of several women.  This particular woman appeared to be no more than 32 years old in my opinion, but to my surprise, the woman was around 50!! Skin glowing, and full of enthusiasm, she ran down her recipe for The Fountain of Youth Shake. Wheatgrass, coconut water, spinach, ginger, and pineapple are key ingredients of this hydration boosting, toxin- slaying, antioxidant packing shake.  There’s a link to the recipe on the Dr. Oz site courtesy of the STUNNING Dr. Rovenia Brock herself! I can’t WAIT to try it!

…and the link to Dr. Rovenia Brock’s blog:


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